So everyone knows the general plot of Harry Potter, but take a look at my version of the events of each film. This is from a slightly skewed shippers perspective. Please keep in mind this is a parody and no offense is meant to any of the actors and/or characters. There is also some bad language and adult themes that you may want the kiddies to stay away from. Contact me with comments and/or criticism. I hope you enjoy!

"It was horrible. Being ignored constantly. The way James and Lily flaunted their love."

"You have to be careful of Ron. While he won't join the Deatheaters per se, he'll be tempted to join the Good Ship and their crew. And if he believes strongly enough, he may begin to fight for it. It could very well happen if you become distracted.

Ron will truly think he has a chance with Hermione, no matter how many times you both tell him she will never, ever...

"...ever, never, ever, ever, never, ever, never, ever love him back."

After their talk, Harry still got nervous about Ron possibly joining the Good Ship. So he tries to sneak into Hogsmeade.

But Gred and Forge stop him.

K, seriously though. I've never really been into the Phelps twins. But HOLY. CRAP.

With a hottness.

When did this happen? I don't care. I like it. It's totally working for me. Anyway...

"Hey Harry. No need to sneak. We're going to give you the Marauder's Map."

"What's the Maurader's Map? Where did it come from?"

"Nevermind that. Apparently knowing certain crucial things doesn't matter."

"Like who made it."

Where it came from."

"The plot."

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